Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happy 2014! We now have a FACEBOOK page!

  Check it out and 'like us' so we can easily update everyone with our new finds, treasures, and dates of future sales! 

Our next sale is scheduled for the middle of March and we are busily re-stocking. 
We will get the word out on facebook as well as e-mail invitations. 

Belated Christmas 2013 post

A few photos from our Christmas event in December 2013.  Erin's farm porch was transformed into perfect sparkling Vintage Christmas tableaus~~~ all white and each one more inviting than the next!
The porch ceiling was hung with giant sparkly Vintage Bells and decorated with Silver Christmas trees and vintage ornaments galore.

                       Vintage French Basket and Chaise

                       White Farm table and tableware

                        Mirror, stool, and metal-topped kitchen farm table

                         Oak cabinet and white tableware, mirrors, and doors

       Farmhouse Herbal vinegars in Vintage decanters; Silver Christmas trees

       Long view of the side porch from the front

        Side porch with white church pew

      Front porch swing with silver bells blowing in the breeze!

     Just follow that truck!!!